Monday, March 19

I know spring is coming

Lynae and I pruned apple trees a few days ago. Oh. My. Gosh. She hasn't complained, but I'm still finding new sore spots. I do hope our efforts were worthwhile! I should've taken "before" and "after" pictures. I could still take comparable "before" pictures of the trees we haven't pruned yet.

That girl never ceases to amaze me. She ROCKS at pruning trees. She even came in and made pizza dough for us afterward.

I'm sure that even if I have time to finish pruning all the fruit trees I know we have, there will be others which surprise me later this year when I finally figure out what they are. I must remember to think of that as a fun surprise, rather than beating myself up for not knowing. That's a no-brainer, but try explaining it to the perfectionist in me! And, by the way, she hates surprises!

Ok, so spring begins this week. Just as I'd expect, the weather here is teasing us. We have spring-like days when the snow melts and leaves mud in more places than you'd expect, and then we have nights like tonight which leave us with a thick layer of big, fat, beautiful snowflakes. And ya know what? I'm ok with that.


  1. Good luck with the apple trees. I was just thinking that we should prune our cherry trees. For some reason they didn't give us ANY cherries last year.

    On the perfectionist comment, I've decided that I am not a perfectionist anymore. I'm allllmost finished with my quilt - just have to do the binding and it has some puckers and the such, but I just happen to think that they add character. Ha! :o)

  2. Go, Heidi and Lynae!! Do you know what kind of apples those trees produce? (Besides the applesauce and pie-making kind of apples. ;-))

  3. NO idea what kind of apples we have. Should be interesting!

  4. I visited your site today and it is good to hear what you are all doing. Doug has another trip to MN planned for next week March 29, 30 & 31. I am not sure where he will be staying but will let you know as soon as I know. Love you all. MOM - JOYCE
