Friday, July 29

Bach Flower Remedies

I recently read Bach Flower Remedies by Julian Barnard for the Natural Medicine course I was taking and found it very intriguing. When I said Bach, you probably thought of the great composer Johann Sebastian Bach, but the man I am referring to today is Dr. Edward Bach.

Born in 1886 in England, Dr. Bach studied medicine in London and became a doctor until 1930 when he left his practice in search of a new way of healing. Over the next 6 years, Dr. Bach discovered 38 flower remedies for different emotional imbalances which he believed were the cause of many physical diseases.

His way of discovering the remedies was indeed, very unorthodox as he claimed to have a psychic connection with the plants. When experiencing a negative emotion, he would hold his hand over different plants until he found one that alleviated the condition. He would then study the plant, it's root system, the flowers, the way it grew, it's heartiness, etc., and found incredible parallels between the plant and the people and conditions it was able to treat.

Although his work was controversial, there is over 70 years of evidence that his remedies can, in fact, change a person's behavior and help them become a more balanced person. Someone that is always blaming themselves whether or not they are at fault should take pine. Someone that is easily discouraged should try gentian.

If you would like to find out more about Bach's 38 remedies or are interested in finding out what you could use, check out this website. Also, you might check your local health foods store to see what they offer in the way of Bach flower remedies.

"It is only because we have forsaken Nature's (I say God's) way for man's way that we have suffered, and we have only to return to be released from our trials. In the presence of the way of Nature (again, I believe in God's power, not Nature's) disease has no power; all fear, all depression, all hopelessness can be set aside. There is no disease of itself which is incurable." Dr. Bach

1 comment:

  1. Great info, Lynae. I had heard of Bach's Rescue Remedy, but didn't know the story behind it. I'm going to check out that website.
